‘Let Go of Inner Resistance’

Jane Fuller
5 min readFeb 21, 2021

‘Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine.’ — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Firstly, again I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well.

I understand that this is still an anxious time for most people and the ongoing uncertainty about the future — however it is also a perfect time to rethink how we live our lives.

The Covid pandemic can be a catalyst for change for the better — a shared moment that we are all in.

All we have is this moment and the choices it presents.

We’re being gifted to go inward and overcome what we can control — our minds and our bodies — spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically.

Remember we create the reality in which we live.

The world is a very different place to what we are taught…….

In the quantum worldview the observer is calling the shots — so make sure you are consciously creating what you want.

Be brave.

Do the thing that you think you cannot do.



But be aware that all along the way there will be signs and happy synchronicities calling out to you confirming you are on the right path.

Be aware of them.

Releasing resistance is key if you want to attract all that you desire.

Resistance to change is always the biggest obstacle.

Releasing resistance is probably the most important of all the processes because resistance to change stops the manifesting of our desires in their tracks.

‘Change is never painful — only the resistance to change is painful.’ — Rumi

Your subconscious mind is a powerful tool.

If you don’t believe you can have the things you desire, it shows up as resistance, despite all the things you are doing to achieve your goals.

We get what we expect.

So put your intention and focus on fantastic outcomes because all possibilities exist in the Quantum field and what you perceive is what will show up for you.

‘The limit of your present understanding is not the limit of your possibilities.’ — Guy Finley

Here are 6 tools that I have found helpful in releasing that resistance:

1.) Learn to Meditate on the things you want to attract

Meditation will help release your hold on certain patterns of thought — it keeps your mind clear so that you are focusing on what you want and you have the power to create it.

When we are relaxed, our brain waves shift to the alpha state and from there we can imagine or visualise what we want to have happen in our lives.

We’re all wired for greatness — so expect greatness and positive expectation and allow it to happen to rise above your own limiting beliefs…….

Remember — that which you are seeking is already within you.

‘Meaningful, lasting change only happens when the pain of the status quo finally outstrips the fear or the anticipated pain of the change we seek.’ — David Taylor-Klaus

2.) Ask for Divine guidance

Remember, the universe has your back which I’ve often found is a source of great comfort in times of change in my life.

So ask for Divine Guidance.

Once we learn to trust — it changes everything.

It releases that resistance.

3.) Visualisations and Affirmations

The universal life force is always in motion with pure creative energy and vibration and it is the most important presence in our lives — everything we have comes from it.

We connect to the universal life force through our subconscious mind — through our thoughts and feelings.

The subconscious stores everything we’ve experienced — good or bad — but once we are aware of this we can create new dominant thoughts with positive affirmations and visualisations practiced on a daily basis.

These will change the negative programmes and resistance in our mind.

The subconscious can become our friend, so keep it simple.

The Law of Attraction states things of a like vibration are brought together.

Change your vibration to a positive one and create positive outcomes.

The subconscious doesn’t like change and will try to resist the affirmations — so say I am or I have in the positive present moment as if it’s already happened.

‘Every relationship that we have in our lives — our contact with each person, place and event — serves a very special, if yet to be realised purpose. They are mirrors that can serve to show us things about ourselves that can be realised in no other way.’ — Guy Finley

4.) Stop running from yourself

As author Steven Pressfield says ‘the amateur fears solitude and silence because she/he needs to avoid, at all costs, the voice inside their head that would point them towards their calling and destiny — so they seek resistance through distraction.’

Through food, alcohol, relationships, any addictions to avoid seeing their true authentic selves.

Ask yourself, what would I attempt if I could not fail? Then go out and do it.

You have a choice. The Universe likes action and rewards it — that’s when amazing synchronicities happen and amazing outcomes…..

5.) Words are free but they carry tremendous power so use them wisely.

The vibration of your words can help take you to where you want to be.

So choose positive and life enhancing words and keep repeating them to open up the channels to success.

Our words become our physical desire — so say/write what you want not what you don’t want because your words will create your reality.

Invite solutions with your words.

If you don’t want it — don’t say it.

Your current reality is subject to change if you use the right words.

6.) Gratitude and Tithing

Show gratitude to what you do have and what you don’t have yet.

A great way to release resistance is tithing — giving away 10% of what you earn to charity in a spirit of gratitude not should.

Tithing means a tenth or ten percent — it’s a tradition thousands of years old and is another concept for prosperity by giving back to people or organisations that have supported us spiritually.

The concept is about keeping a circular flow of giving and receiving.

The amount is not important — the intention is.

It is a signal to the Universe that you are abundant enough to share what you have — however small — so think about where you’d like to share your wealth.

Keep the faith and watch what happens.

The universe will send you financial problems when you lose faith — so now is the time to step outside your comfort zone……..

And remember, there is enough for everyone — yes even now.

Not only is there enough money — there is enough joy, love and peace too.

So take 100% responsibility for being the powerful creator that you are.

Remember — the more control you have over your mind and awareness of how it influences your reality in every area of your life, the happier you will be.

And so it is.


‘Most suffering comes from the failure to adapt and a resistance to change.’ — Debasih Mridha

Originally published at https://www.janefuller.co.uk on February 21, 2021.



Jane Fuller

BAFTA & multi-award winning TV & Film Producer. Licensed HYL Leader & Teacher. Huffington Post/Thrive Global/Teen Mentor writer